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Grain drying floors are a well-established method of drying and cooling grain. Top boards and the main air duct frames are manufactured from high quality keruing hardwood, the main air duct is clad with hardwood faced ply and tanilised softwood bearers from the laterals. Bespoke design features include clean out hatches, internal fan houses and heavy-duty frames.
As important as the structure is the aerodynamic performance. The main air dust and fan position is specified to minimise system backpressure and maximise airflow. Control of the fans is important; the control panel ensures the fans only operates when the ambient conditions are right to minimise energy use and maximise drying performance. With the addition of gas heaters and stirrers, the air can be conditioned to allow for uninterrupted drying independent of ambient conditions and the mixing of grain in store improves the effectiveness of the drying process.
With very few mechanical and electrical components the operation and maintenance of a grain drying floor is straightforward. Preparation and cleaning before harvest is aided by the clean out hatches at the end of each duct and a personnel door provides access to the main air duct. Both filling and emptying the store are straightforward operations completed with a telehandler but care must be taking to to over-compact grain on filling.
Key Features
- Zero hassle at harvest, arrive, tip and leave
- Fan controls deliver more efficient drying
- Simple operation requiring minimal labour
- Constructed from premium materials for maximum durability
- Bespoke design can be made to suit your specific building
- Straightforward long term maintenance
Why Grain Drying Floors
A grain drying floor is zero hassle at harvest, it can be filled as quickly as grain comes off the combine and will slowly dry and condition grain over the harvest period. It is a great solution if grain is typically harvest at low moistures.
Why McArthur BDC
The combination of McArthur BDC’s range of fans and automatic controls and the expert joiners at our construction partner, Foers Contracts, delivers an efficient and long-lasting grain drying and storage solution.